Friday, April 9, 2010

To new beginnings!

Hello there!
Here is my new blog: Live it up! I hope will be about my living it up. Or at least my attempting this because we all know life is sometimes boring... The reason why I am doing this is because of my sister recommending me peruse (word choice?) some blogs. I searched a little, and finally got the hang of this whole blogging thing. I have blogged before but just about blah stuff. I will spare the blah for this one and include more juice. Be forewarned that I am not the best writer. So don't judge me if my word choice, spelling, or sentence structure is not up to par... I try but my brain just does not like to process stuff like that.

Well here is some stuff about me: I am a 19 year old student living in Alabama. I am going to college to be an Elementary teacher. Here is my cliche statement of the day: I want to teach the future generation to make the world a better place. While this is true, I just want to teach kids. I love their imaginations and hearts. I just started the education classes, so I hope I am cut out for this. This summer and fall I am hoping to get some experience. I am also a hopeless dater. I don't know if hopeless is the best word, but I just have not had the best experiences. But the past is the past. So I'll get over that. The future is bright.

I do like to talk about the guys... I won't put any names, but I do like to gush about my life's stories. I would like to find someone special that brings meaning to my life. But for now, I just have to be me and the rest will fall into place. There is one new potential.. We will call him A. This might get like gossip girl..hope not. Haha but yeah A, so I met him in the bookstore where I work. He returned a book and stayed to talk to me for a good 10 minutes. Since he made a return, I got his name..:) Definitely googled him. Then emailed him. He's in medical school, and pretty close to finished so he might actually be able to have a life! This other guy, we will call him J, is also in med school, but he would never make time for me so we are just friends now. He might be a little cray-cray.. Not for reals, but he has commitment issues. Ok back to A. I got a little tipsy last night and was like what the hell and emailed him! Wow, was that nerve racking! But he emailed me back. Got them digits! But now I do not have a clue what to do with them... I'm going to ask the girls for some advice. Wish me luck! I'll keep you updated..

Time to get ready. Party tonight:)
Live it up

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