Saturday, April 24, 2010

There goes my plans..

So this weekend I was going to go balls to the walls and get a shit ton of filming done for my movie project that I have to do for my teaching and technology class, but wouldn't you know there's a downpour outside. Most of the things I am filming require non-rainy days too. Bummer dude. But I still have a little more than a week, so I'll get it done. There is hardly any time left in this semester. The last day of actual class is Monday. My exams begin the following Monday. It really is not a bad exam schedule, so I should kick bootay on them.

Well I have been getting plenty of sleep here lately because I have been a loser! Hopefully tonight or today I will get out. I have been out and doing things, but I have not done anything with the beau since like Tuesday (The last time I blogged as well). It was way fun, but it is Saturday now and I am missing the cutie. Well enough of this talk for now. On to more optimistic things.

I feel so in touch with my body at this point in my life. I did yoga this morning and then went to the gym and did 20 minutes of cardio, weights, and stretching. I also weighed myself, which I rarely do, and I am down to 168. I haven't seen the 160's since like last year. It was a fantastic feeling. It is not like I am trying to lose weight, but as a female I will probably always want the number on the scale to be smaller. I would like to get to the 150s and try to keep it there, but summer is right around the corner. I will have to really push myself to be motivated. I am so motivated right now for some reason. I find it difficult to not run every day. Isn't that strange? Most people are just looking for excuses to get out of the daily sweat. I thrive on it. It makes my day. Yesterday I did not do any exercise and I felt terrible last night. Granted someone did not call me as they were supposed to, but still I needed those feel good thingies. I can't run everyday though. I need to take out running like one day and just do walking or something. I think the body needs rest. Walking is so relaxing. I went to a trail to walk this week... no mp3 player... it was so great to be just listening to nature. Usually I just have music blasting in my ears when I'm running. It is a great escape, but I think 1-2 days a week it would be nice to go walking in the woods or trails. I will very likely try to incorporate that.

Wow Yoga. It is amazing. I think that is the finishing touch on my all around wellness for real. Since I have been doing it, I feel so at peace and relaxed. I want to be better at it like be more focused and get more out of the positions (not quite sure what the yogi name is). I feel like I am just doing the motions to just get it done, but that is not the point of it at all. It is about being one with your body and being stronger while stretching the body as well. The more you focus, the better it is. I always have those drifting thoughts about other things in life. Practice makes perfect though and I am quite the beginner at it. Bye bye for now.

Live it up
Carpe diem!

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