Thursday, May 6, 2010

The living sitch

Alrighty...So I'm back at the parents house now..It's a nice place with food, and shelter, and loving people. BUT it has no freedom whatsoever. Curfew at 12, can't have guys over, and my sis doesn't even live here anymore. I really want to stay in an apartment, but the financial situation would totally blow because I would end up having to pay alot more for it out of my own money. If I stay in the dorms, my parents would help out quite alot. Another factor is safety. The place we were looking at is a bit sketchy and I wouldn't feel safe living there.. That is a problem with me. If I can't go out for a run in my own neighborhood, that isn't good. Oh well. It's so much less of a hassle to live in a dorm too. Everything is included in the price, no bills to pay. I would rather wait til my senior year and just get a nicer apt with my sister. On to more fun things..

Boys: Actually I don't have anything to say about this.. A and me are no longer talking. I guess it's better because he is leaving soon anyway. And I was already getting pretty attached. I mean not really attached, but I definitely liked him. It couldn't go anywhere though.. Maybe I'll see him again one day. Def not going to bet on that. So, J on the other hand... I text him one day last week and we were talking about missing each other, and he said I should come visit and stuff. I really do miss him for some reason. I wish he would be more open with me. Every other guy that I have been with are just more talkative about themselves. He always says that's just not how he is.. But I want to crack open that bubble man! I still want to know more about him, even though I have known him like a year almost, I don't know that much. But yeah so I called him one day, and he picked up but said he couldn't hear me so we text. Then he asked if I was talking to anyone.. I'm still not sure why he did that. But he said he was kinda talking to someone. WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN...? I have no idea, and he would not really explain. So I don't even know about that situation. I hope I get to see him soon, but I'm just going to do my own thing for the summer. That is the best thing. Maybe I'll go see him, but I'm not going to try to talk to any guys. Or really I'm just not going to hunt anything out. I'm still only 19 so I have a while before I need to start worrying about relationships.

I ran my 5K this Saturday! I finished in 31:36. Pretty good for me I think! I have another one in June, So I'm hoping to better my time just a little bit...

Works sucksss. I work all 5 days next week. Oh well. At least I will have money! I can't wait to see the earnings in my bank account.

Texts from last night is the most awesome web site!! bye bye for now

live it up!

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