Sunday, May 9, 2010

Ok so I just text J, but he's not texting me back. I really don't need to text him anymore. He's just not being responsive and it seems like he doesn't want to talk to me anymore. What else can i do? I just need to not think about it. But def easier said than done, eh? All you girls out there feel me on this one I know. I just have to quit impulsing, because I have been wanting to text him for the past few days. I'm just gonna chill with it now though. If it's meant to be it'll happen: my mantra. That's just how I feel generally about everything in life. No pressure. Need to stay true to that. Just needed to talk about that a little.

But anyways, I am watching Sex and The City, getting ready for NUMBER 2! Which comes out right around my birfday! SOOOO excited! I just love the whole idea of it. It's a group of friends that are with each other for the long haul. They are all different in their own ways, but still are connected by the good ole NYC. I'm gonna go to the big apple one day soon. Oh man, it's at the scene where Big leaves Carrie at the alter. :( SO sad.

This week is going to pretty busy. Work M-F, JA on Weds, and test on Saturday. I really need to start studying ASAP for the test, but my study guide (turns out can only be downloaded once) was on the usb drive I turned my projects in on.. So it is quite important that I get that back tomorrow. I really should have planned ahead about that. Oh well!

I really wish I was writing this at the beach right now, but here in about 2-3 weeks that is exactly what I'll be doing. I might even try to not take my laptop, and just read and journal. That sounds like an awesome idea. I'm not sure if I can live without the internet for a week though. I'm pretty set on trying though. I will have to completely not take it though, because if I take it and say I won't check it, I know it will end up being checked. And many beach hours will end up being wasted to the treacherous internet. Oh how many hours of my precious life have been sucked up by the evil. It's kind of like S&M though, it might be bad for you, but boy is it fun..

tata for now

live it up!

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