Tuesday, May 11, 2010

First day semi-teaching

My first solo teaching experience is tomorrow. I'm teaching a kindergarten class about business and money. I'm pretty excited about it so I can work with the kids. And i guess make sure this whole teaching thing is for me. I hope they are nice to me and not complete evil hell-raisers! Too bad I have to be there at like 7:30 Am. This is entirely too early for me! I guess I'll have to get used to it eventually, but I'm still young man! Sleep is still oh so precious to me. That's why I'm going to hit the sack early tonight. Need that beauty sleep.

So talked to J last night. I ended up texting him... Yeah I know I said I wouldn't anymore, but I had a good reason. It ended up being a good thing because we talked for a while on the phone. Plus, we skyped later. Boy was that fun ;) I think i'll get to see him sometime soon. That would be great, but rather difficult because he is talking to someone. So, I would have to be respectful of that. Even though i know when i see him it will be hard to not try to do anything or just want to kiss him. At least I know I can hug, that's rather innocent isn't it? I know it would lead to something else.. I'll have to practice self-control for real. But he called me earlier tonight, but I think it was a butt-dial because i couldn't hear anything when i picked up. And when I called back, he didn't answer. And he hasn't called me back. I just hope that he wasn't with the lady he's talking to, because that would be sooooo awkward! It is what it is.. He said if I was older, he would so be dating me now.. What the hell man? why does that even matter? I want more clarification haha.

Well, off to be a kindergarten teacher tomorrow! wish me luck!

live it up!

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